Planning Ahead for Peace of Mind

At Michael’s Wood we know how important it is for family members and friends to feel sure that the funeral of a loved one is just what they would have wanted. When those organising a funeral know the last wishes of a loved one, it makes it so much easier to get through those first difficult days. That knowledge is a priceless gift.

However, talking about our wishes with those we love can be extremely hard.  Even finding an appropriate moment to raise the subject can be difficult.  Furthermore, our desire to talk about such things can be seen as morbid or negative, when really we are simply looking for peace of mind.

At Michael’s Wood, we help you explore the option of buying a plot in advance. Whether that’s a plot alongside a loved one or simply choosing an area that feels right for you, we can make a plot reservation in advance for you. You may also wish to make an advanced reservation with your spouse, partner, other family, friends and even your pet(s).

When you make a reservation at Michael’s Wood, we issue you with a confirmation letter and relevant documents to show your advanced booking is in place. This guarantees you a burial plot at Michael’s Wood. We can also supply you with several copies of this should you wish to inform anyone else of your wishes i.e. funeral plans, next of kin etc. Although we cannot guarantee a specific plot at the time of reservation, we do record your wishes for a particular area. For example, beside a certain species of tree, in an open/shady area and many other wishes so that we may work with your loved ones to make sure the perfect spot is agreed upon when the time comes.

Paying for a reservation is done in two parts. The first part is paying the burial plot reservation fee (currently £550.00). This secures and guarantees your plot at the Wood. Once the reservation fee is paid, it is not subject to change. The second part is the interment and administration charge payable at the time of interment (currently £350.00). This second fee is subject to change over the years but will only be increased in line with standard inflation.

If you are thinking of making a reservation, we would be delighted to meet you and show you around Michael’s Wood to answer any of your question or concerns. One of the main reasons for this is for us to understand and record your wishes so that these can be shared with loved ones when the time comes. You can then either complete our reservation forms or take them home with you to consider and return to us later. Alternatively, you can download the forms from our website here:

Click Here for Advanced Reservation Form

Click here for Terms & Conditions

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment to meet us, please get in touch.

Tel: 07400 257357 / 01980 629203

In the meantime, we welcome you to take a stroll around our peaceful woodland and see for yourself why this beautifully tranquil and natural area is the perfect place to be laid to rest.